A grey haired woman in glasses and bright yellow apron is putting ingredients into a blender

Top tips for living well with heart disease



Top tips for living well with heart disease

Kick-start your heart-healthy habits

The MyHeart MyLife program is here to help you learn how to look after your heart health. Below are our seven top tips to focus on to keep your heart healthy.

Regular heart icon - red outline

1. Understand your heart

Understanding your heart condition and how your heart works can help you take control of your health. Feeling unsure?

Learn more about how your heart works.

Stethoscope and heart icon - red outline

2. See your doctor as often as they recommend

Your doctor (general practitioner/GP) is your initial point of contact for health concerns, ongoing check-ups and referrals. Seeing your doctor regularly can assist in managing your long-term health. They can help you to understand and manage your blood pressure and cholesterol, fill new scripts for medicines you need, and support your emotional and mental health. Everyone is different, so speak to your doctor about how regularly you need to see them.

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3. Take your medicines as prescribed by your doctor

Taking heart medicines is an important part of your ongoing care. Even if you are feeling well, do not stop taking your medicines without speaking with your doctor first. Your medicines are there to reduce your risk of future heart problems and manage symptoms. Read more about medicines in Week 3, including tips and reminders.

Apple with heart icon - red outline

4. Follow a heart-healthy eating pattern 

Heart-healthy eating is not about 'good' and 'bad' foods, or following restrictive diets. It is about making small changes that you can continue long term. A heart-healthy eating pattern is based on a combination of foods, chosen regularly over time. This includes vegetables, fruit, wholegrains, healthy proteins and fats, and limited salt. Download the printable eating well to protect your heart brochure.

Person walking up stairs icon - red outline

5. Keep yourself active

Keeping physically active is important for your heart and overall health. It will help you get back to your normal activities, reduce the risk of future heart problems and improve your mood. Always speak to your doctor or other healthcare professional before starting or increasing your physical activity levels. Read more about physical activity in Week 4.

People icons joined by heart symbolic of connection - red outline

6. Connect with others

Reach out to friends, family or other loved ones to assist you with your heart health. Being connected is important for your heart and your general health. Also connecting with people who have had a similar experience can help you understand how you might be feeling.

How about joining a Heart Foundation Walking group? This way, you'll get company and exercise at the same time.

Join a Heart Foundation Walking group.

Prevention icon - red outline

7. Manage your risk factors

Reduce your risk of another heart event by keeping your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels within a healthy range. If you smoke, it is important that you start your journey to quitting smoking. Remember, there is a lot of support available to help you. Set goals to manage your risk factors in Week 2. 

Last updated16 July 2024

Last reviewed03 June 2024

Heart Foundation is a registered charity

© 2025 National Heart Foundation of Australia ABN 98 008 419 761