Two young women happily sitting on a couch, smiling and enjoying each other's company.

Supporting your loved one’s ongoing care



Supporting your loved one’s ongoing care

As a carer, you can make a difference to your loved one's heart health

If you are caring for someone who has just had a heart event, being at their follow-up doctor appointments to listen and take notes can be helpful. This can also be a way to show that you care.

Before and during appointments

Before the first appointment, help them prepare a list of:

Encourage your loved one to write down any questions they have for the doctor. You might also like to do the same to make sure that all your concerns are covered as well.

Be sure to listen carefully to what the doctor says. It can be easy to forget some details, so you might want to take notes.

The doctor will usually give instructions, but if anything is unclear ask him or her to write them down.

Follow-up plan

Discuss the doctor's recommendations for lifestyle changes or follow-up tests. You may find it useful to help your loved one set goals to implement these changes.

Managing their medicines

You can help your loved one to organise and understand any changes to their medicines. You can also help to make sure their prescriptions are filled promptly.

Emotional support

Recovering from a heart event can be a very emotional experience. Your loved one may find medical appointments stressful, making it hard for them to talk about their condition. You can help them by:

Last updated30 July 2024

Last reviewed01 July 2024

Heart Foundation is a registered charity

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