Two women sitting on a couch, focused on a tablet screen.

Support services in rural and remote Australia



Support services in rural and remote Australia

Know where there is help that you can lean on

Living in rural and remote parts of Australia offers a unique lifestyle. However, when living with heart disease, this may mean that you need to plan ahead as you can’t always rely on support being close by.

When it comes to your heart health, don't forget that there are government services and support options available to you. These may be online or near your area.

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Health clinics and doctors in your area

Know the closest doctors and health services in your area, as well as those that visit on a rotating basis.

Check out the Royal Flying Doctor Service website for services they might offer in your region. 

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Online services and support

Seeking support over the phone and internet can also be helpful. Contact Healthdirect Australia who provide free 24-hour health advice for non-urgent help. Call 1800 022 222 to speak with a registered nurse. Or use the Healthdirect Service Finder.

Red icon of car symbolic of travel

Travelling for healthcare

Explore financial assistance schemes for healthcare travel in your state and territory. Some have financial assistance schemes to pay for travel and accommodation when you need to travel more than 100 km one way or 200 km within a week for appointments to the same medical practitioner.

Take a look:

Australian Capital Territory | New South Wales | Northern Territory | Queensland | South Australia | Tasmania | Victoria | Western Australia

Last updated02 July 2024

Heart Foundation is a registered charity

© 2025 National Heart Foundation of Australia ABN 98 008 419 761