An older group of people walking together outdoors in a park

Peer support: What is it and why do I need it?



Peer support: What is it and why do I need it?

Know where to get support to help you feel less alone and supported as you navigate living with a heart condition

Connecting with others is an important part of living well with a heart condition. Social and emotional support can help you feel less alone. You may also find comfort from sharing experiences and receiving encouragement from others.

What is peer support?

‘Peer support’ is a term used to describe a group or community of people with something in common who provide emotional, practical, and social support to each other. By connecting with your ‘heart peers’, you become part of a community of fellow ‘heart warriors’.

Man and woman seated on a couch together laughing, the man is also interacting on his phone

How peer support can help you

Peer support offers connection, support, and advice:


Connecting with others who are living with similar conditions and have shared experiences.


Sharing non-medical information to help manage practical and social life changes while living with a heart condition.


Providing support for emotional health and wellbeing through recovery and learning your new normal.

You might already have friends you feel comfortable speaking with over coffee, while walking or doing something you love together. But peer support is different in that you connect with others who share your unique experience of living with a heart condition.

How or where you find social and emotional support does not matter. What matters is seeking support when you need it.

MyHeart MyLife community

The MyHeart MyLife community is an online group open to all people living in Australia with a heart condition, or caring for someone with a heart condition. It offers a space to read and share heart stories and connect with others who share a similar experience. New members and posts are moderated by the Heart Foundation to ensure it remains a safe and supportive community.

Smiling woman with glasses and long grey hair is smiling and looking at her phone

Supporting Young Hearts community

Supporting Young Hearts is an online group open to people aged 18-45 years who are living in Australia with a heart condition or caring for someone with a heart condition. It is a space for younger people to connect with each other, share stories and learn about how to manage their heart condition. New members and posts are moderated by the Heart Foundation to ensure it remains a safe and supportive community.

two young women sharing a hug outside with the sun in the background

Heart Foundation Walking

Heart Foundation Walking has walking groups in over 600 locations across Australia. Many people say they joined for the exercise but stayed for the social connection and new friends. Getting started is easy.

Group of people of mixed ages walking, woman is front is smiling wearing a red Heart Foundation Walking t-shirt

Len’s story

The Heart Foundation’s peer support network is run through closed Facebook groups, with members from across Australia. It is a safe space accessed via your usual Facebook account, moderated by the Heart Foundation. Watch Len’s video to learn about why joining will help you in your recovery journey.

Last updated16 July 2024

Last reviewed14 June 2024

Heart Foundation is a registered charity

© 2025 National Heart Foundation of Australia ABN 98 008 419 761